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Investigator-Initiated Studies

Apply for support of independent Investigator-Initiated Studies

Investigator-Initiated Studies (IIS) are defined as unsolicited, independent studies based on scientific and medical research developed and sponsored by an independent investigator. An IIS may be a clinical or an analytical performance study conducted without the participation of Radiometer.

Funding requests for IIS are reviewed monthly by a scientific committee. Decisions are based on scientific validity as well as alignment with research areas of interest.
ABL800 blood gas analyzer and capilary tubesABL800 blood gas analyzer and capilary tubes
Service meeting at hpospital with Radiometer Service EngineerService meeting at hpospital with Radiometer Service Engineer
Investigator-Initiated Studies contribute to a better understanding of Radiometer products and their related diagnostic areas.

Radiometer supports a number of Investigator-Initiated Studies each year through funding (as an IIS grant), instruments, materials, consumables, and/or information as allowed under local laws and regulations. Investigator-Initiated Studies involve various areas of interest. If you'd like to apply for Radiometer support for your study, ensure it involves one of the interest areas and fill out the request form.
Request form

Requester information

Please fill out the fields below

(Please be ready to submit a CV upon request).

Please be ready to submit a synopsis or a (draft) protocol upon request. Details can be provided below:

Study Methodology
Choose one or more boxes that describes the study, or describe in the 'other' box

Study Operators
Choose one or more boxes that describes the operators, or describe in the 'other' box

Study Population
Choose one or more boxes that describes the study subjects, or describe in the 'other' box

Please justify the number of patient/subjects in a statistical section of the final protocol.

Has Ethics Committe and/or IRB approval been obtained?

Publication (journal/conference) Submission planned?

By submitting this form you are attesting the provision of the IIS is not directly, indirectly, implicitly, or explicitly induce or reward the Healthcare Professional or someone acting on their behalf to purchase, prescribe, dispense, sell, recommend placement of any Radiometer/HemoCue product; reward any past, present, or anticipated behavior; or influence any act or decision in violation of the Healthcare Professional’s ethical or legal duties.

By submitting this form, I acknowledge that I have reviewed and understood the data privacy notice.

Areas of Interest

All applications concerning Radiometer products that fulfill scientific merits and relevance are welcome.

Currently, Radiometer prioritizes support of IIS within the identified areas listed below.

Icon - ABL blood gas analyzer

Uses, applications and /or benefits (e.g., health economic) of creatinine measurements at the point of care

Icon of the AQT90 FLEX analyzer from Radiometer

Uses, application and/or benefits (e.g., health economic) of procalcitonin at the point of care

Icon - syringe

Uses, application and/or benefits (e.g., health economic) of sampling devices at the point of care

Icon for a transcutanous monitor

Uses, application and/or benefits (e.g., health economic) of transcutaneous monitoring in neonatal settings

Guide for applying for support of Investigator-Initiated Studies

1. Fill in and submit the form by clicking on the “request form” button above

2. After submitting the form, you will be contacted by a medical advisor from Radiometer within two weeks. You will be asked to provide the following documents needed for the Scientific Committee review:

  • A protocol (or draft version)

  • A detailed budget providing an overview of the need for funding. There will be an evaluation to ensure the funding doesn’t exceed local fair market value. Funding requests for expenses not associated with the conduct of the study are strictly prohibited.

What happens after approval by the scientific committee

The scientific committee conducts monthly reviews. If a request is approved, the following documents are required before the support can be initiated:

  • A fully executed IIS agreement between the sponsor-investigator and Radiometer

  • An EC/IRB and/or health authority approval, where applicable

  • A final protocol

  • CV of the principal investigator

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Radiometer uses Azure AD to provide our customers and partners secure access to documents, resources, and other services on our customer portal.

If your organization is already using Azure AD you can use the same credentials to access Radiometer's customer portal.

Key benefits

  • Allow the use of existing Active Directory credentials
  • Single-sign on experience
  • Use same credentials to access future services

Request access

You will receive an invitation to access our services via e-mail when your request has been approved.

When you accept the invitation, and your organization is already using AZURE AD, you can use the same credentials to access Radiometer's customer portal. Otherwise, a one-time password will be sent via e-mail to sign in.