As a gold sponsor of this year’s European Congress on Emergency Medicine organized by the European Society for Emergency Medicine (EuSEM) in Vienna, Austria, Radiometer is proud to host a Lunch Symposium with three presentations under the title “Power up your ED: 3 ways to implement change for faster diagnostic decisions”:
Lunch Symposium
Tuesday 4th October, Starting time: 12.55
Room: Geheime Ratstube
sponsored by Radiometer
Chair: Dr. P. Wilke
Speakers and presentations:
Shortening waiting times - Going lean in the ED with POC
by Dr. Eric Revue, Emergency Physician Toxicologist, Head of the Emergency Department and prehospital EMS, Louis Pasteur Hospital, Chartres, France
Defining sepsis - New strategies for a new definition of an old disease
by PD Dr. Michael Oppert, Chefarzt der Klinik für Notfall- und internistische Intensivmedizin, Klinikum Ernst von Bergmann, Potsdam, Germany
The changing face of emergency care - New needs for an aging population
by Dr. Petra Wilke, Chefärztin Zentrale Notaufnahme, Klinikum Frankfurt (Oder), Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
More information
Radiometer becomes a gold sponsor of the European Congress on Emergency Medicine